This is the page where you can adopt characters.
It is up to the adopte to take his/her character off the list when and if they claim it.
If you would like the name of a character, just put that as your reason, we will rename the character to So-and-so by Whoever, and you can have the So-and-so part.
You must have been active for a month to adopt anything.
Here is a list of characters up for adoption.
Only an admin may give away a Character.
The character must meet #'s 1, 2, or 3 and #4 of these requierments:
- The character must have been abandoned by its Original Roleplayer
- The Original Roleplayer must have been baned
- The Original Roleplayer must have been inactive for over three months
- The New Roleplayer must have been active for a month to adopt the character.
Example: Rhaerhaeth (Character dosen't exist)[]
this is an example of how you would ask to adopt a Character:
Reason(s) I believe I deserve this story: The Original Roleplayer has left, i have been active for 3 months, ect. ect.
What I would do to this character: I would continue where the Original Roleplayer left off, ect. ect.
here you would post your signature.