Mystical Roleplay Wiki

This is the page where you can adopt characters.

It is up to the adopte to take his/her character off the list when and if they claim it.

If you would like the name of a character, just put that as your reason, we will rename the character to So-and-so by Whoever, and you can have the So-and-so part.


You must have been active for a month to adopt anything.

Here is a list of characters up for adoption.

Only an admin may give away a Character.

The character must meet #'s 1, 2, or 3 and #4 of these requierments:

  1. The character must have been abandoned by its Original Roleplayer
  2. The Original Roleplayer must have been baned
  3. The Original Roleplayer must have been inactive for over three months
  4. The New Roleplayer must have been active for a month to adopt the character.

Example: Rhaerhaeth (Character dosen't exist)[]

this is an example of how you would ask to adopt a Character:

Reason(s) I believe I deserve this story: The Original Roleplayer has left, i have been active for 3 months, ect. ect.

What I would do to this character: I would continue where the Original Roleplayer left off, ect. ect.

here you would post your signature.